Founded in 2020 by Geoff Erik Li, a Hong Kong born and raised classical pianist currently based in Chiangmai Thailand, the mission of white_ink_box is to support & unify people from all walks of life through organising live shows, visual arts exhibitions & sharing of quality lifestyle attitude.
白墨盒於2020年, 由定居泰國清邁的香港古典鋼琴藝術家李喆創立,並致力透過舉辦藝術表演, 視覺藝術展覽和分享優質生活態度, 宣揚共享資源, 和普及藝術生活化來實現共融社會及實踐身心靈健康等普世價值。
*** All surplus from white_ink_box operations goes to non-profit organisations for charitable purposes. Please consider making a financial contribution to support our works by way of cheque made payable to “White Ink Box Limited” or deposit to our HSBC bank account 841-585839-838 .
***白墨盒營運的所有盈餘,將撥捐非牟利組織作慈善用途。若有意向我們提供財政支持,歡迎以支票支付予「白墨盒有限公司」或存款至匯豐銀行帳戶 841-585839-838 。