The Familiar Strangers - White_Ink_Box X SPS
香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall
星期二 8:00 pm
$180 $280 $380 $480 $1000 $2000
In this age of information overload, it is easy for people to gather information about each other yet they may remain mutually unfamiliar. Moreover, with pandemic fatigue and social distancing, people became more vulnerable to emotional distress and even suicidal thoughts. Statistics in recent years showed that in Hong Kong, an average of 3 people resort to suicide every day, embarking on the road of no return.
This art extravaganza comprises performances by four outstanding local musicians – Joyce Cheung, Jacqueline Leung, Timothy Kwok and Geoff-Erik Li, alongside renowned drama actress Louisa So, tango dancers Raymond Chu and Lily Cheng and slasher Sean Lee. Through multimedia artistic expressions, they will portray the themes of “strangers and separation; reunion and bliss” to the audience. We hope that through this evening’s performance, everyone can become re-acquainted with themselves and those around them, enhancing love and care.
在這個資訊發達的年代,人們的關係看似熟悉但卻是很陌生。加上在抗疫疲勞下,人際間的距離愈來愈遠,使人容易造成情緒困擾,甚至出現輕生念頭。根據統計顯示,香港近年每日平均有3 個人選擇自殺,走上不歸路。